
January 21, 2011

Dissatisfaction : The Prompter of Progress . . !!

I wish to draw your attention towards one of our basic feelings of dissatisfaction. Sometimes, we do not like something i.e. circumstances and conditions around us but it does not mean that we should always express our distress or dislike for the things that we do not like. We should learn to like the things to derive cheer from them as well. We should learn to live a happy life. If there are things which are not according to our wishes and desires, we express our dissatisfaction about them but we must also think how these can be improved or changed so as to be able to serve us in a proper and desired way.  It is of no use complaining about the cold winds in the winter or the scorching sun of the summer for we cannot do anything about them. What we can do is to think of the ways  and means so that adverse circumstances are not able to do any harm to us and at the same time we can do something good for others too. Being completely satisfied or dissatisfied with life leads us nowhere and it also discourages us from leading a happy life.
Total satisfaction leads to a static and cheerless life whereas complete dissatisfaction makes out life miserable and hard to bear. So, we should be dissatisfied to an extent but we should use our ideological reasons to remove our dislike. It was dissatisfaction that prompted Columbus to sail through the large seas and discover new countries.  It made Newton and Einstein unravel the mysteries of the laws of nature and it also made Louis Pasteur discover the unseen dangers of life. It is easy to be a fault-finder but it is difficult to be the one to put things in order and correct the mistakes made. So instead of getting irritated we should think and act so that things can be turned in the ay, we wish they are. But there are things about which we may not be able to do anything such as pouring rains or the roaring aeroplanes. We have to accept them and live with them, so, we should bear them with cheer. We should overcome our dissatisfactions like a soldier who faces them boldly and subsequently conquers them cheerfully.

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