Simplifying our lives is hard today, because life has become so overly complicated for most of us. Many of us long for a life of happiness and peace, but we don’t believe we can have it. The great paradox is that our lack of faith in love and miracles is what blocks us from receiving love and miracles.
There are quite a few useless things one needs to let go in life to live a happy and meaningful life. We are constantly given messages and images that steal our attention, obligations we must meet, and consistent demands of our families, jobs, desires, exercise routines, healthy lifestyles, and who has time to think about hobbies anymore. One often feels burdened by all kinds of issues, like carrying too much stress around or sometimes feeling overwhelmed by all the things one worries about, these negative parameters and bad patterns should be shunned off before they take over the control over our mind n life. It can make you tired, miserable, and downright depressed if you keep all this up for too long. This process of letting go of all kinds of things can be a bit scary, but it’s also an act of self-love. If we want to live a miraculous life, we must raise the volume on the loving voice within us and turn down the volume on our fear. This requires taking a leap of faith to let go of fears, resentment, what have you — and be willing to accept the possibilities and inspiration that come naturally. Sometimes the person who’s holding us back and who prevents us from achieving our objectives is our own selves, since we put all kinds of limitations on ourselves every day and we sometimes complicate things more than we should. Why sabotage ourselves instead let’s just enjoy Here’s how to slow down and remove some complication from your life. Try it and let me know if it works for you!
1. Spend time with yourself:
One of the best ways to simplify your life is to create a little more quiet time for yourself. For most people, this is best done in the morning before anyone else gets up, and when have pure quiet to just sit and think. Don’t you just miss that? This quiet time in the morning can be used to de-stress before the day even starts, and can give you focus for the day.
2. Learn to say NO:
Most of us get asked to do so many things through the week and they pile up before we know it. Instead of feeling obligated to saying yes to everyone and everything, what about you just saying no sometimes? People will understand, I am sure, and spend time with your family (or in my case), my dog!
3. Keep it simple and walk:
One thing that probably overcomplicates life is diet and exercise. So, one thing I’d suggest is to first stop listening to every new diet out there, and start eating more simple foods. Oh, and about that exercise? Walking, yes simple walking, does wonders for weight loss, guaranteed. Just 30 minutes a day is all it takes, preferably 45 if weight loss is your goal.
4. Stop thinking about REVENGE:
Even though sometimes it may seem the perfect thing to do to feel good again, revenge will not provide much satisfaction. “Success is the best revenge.” Even though people think that giving others a taste of their own medicine is a good idea, we are actually wrong, because by doing this, we adapt their mind-set.
5. Negative or Toxic people:
Let go off those people who constantly try bringing others down, who criticize all the time, giving bad advice. Such people are not required. Toxic people can really affect us, so don’t let them get in the way of happiness. Surround yourself with people who love and appreciate you and who will always be there for you when you will need them, because they are the ones that really matter.
6. Stop finding EXCUSES:
It’s so easy to find excuses for all kinds of things! Whether these things scare, intimidate or even annoy us, we shouldn’t ignore them. We will never be ready enough to do anything, so don’t make any more excuses and simply do it! Even though one might feel a bit uncomfortable at first, we’ll see that the right choice has been made by taking some action.
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy because instead of working towards making our dreams come true, we are actually sabotaging ourselves by holding on to some things that do us more harm than good. We need to let them go if we want to live a happy and meaningful life.
We all just want to think less and enjoy life more. I find these little tips above help me live a less stressful life, and make things easier, even in the smallest ways. Having more time to yourself is the best way to gain more happiness, because it gives you time to focus on and do things you enjoy. Then, when you’re around people you love and care for, or when you’re at work, you can be your best self.