
December 3, 2011

Being friends with your ex..!! Is it worth it???

Learning how to be friends with an ex is easy, but the big question is whether you should be friends with an ex in the first place.

Being friends with an ex is a complicated decision that can go both ways. It can make your life worth it even after the breakup or it can play with your feelings to a huge extent. So do u still think you want to be friends with your ex?? Mostly I have seen is, yes you can stay friends even after a breakup, and people generally want to.

Both of you know each other really well and understand each other better than most others. There’s a huge river between the line of being friends with your ex, which needs to be crossed with caution. You may both know each other well, but the relationship you once shared will never come back. It’s a whole new relationship that you’re building together in the form of a friendship.

Letting go after a break up is tough to do, especially when you want to get back together with your ex.  Some relationships end in a “soft break up” where both sides walk away but still keep close contact with each other.  It is common in these scenarios for one person to still feel a strong attraction towards the other and they try to keep their ex in their life by settling as a friend.

Though a lot depends on why you broke up in the first place. Then only the point of being friends with him/her comes into existence.. Yes, I believe that after a considerable amount of time, after you have both really moved on, yes. Yes, you can be friends.
I say, the two big reasons why normal people that have had an average break up with no restraining orders, cant stay friends are:
  1. You aren't done dating.
  2. Or you aren't done breaking up.
While you're deciding, life is going on. And here's my going forward advice. Make sure you're finished dating this person. Make sure you're done breaking up. And then, after that is passed, make every effort to maintain at least a casual friendship if this is someone who is in your life anyway. If this is a person who is part of your circle of friends, someone that you are bound to bump in to time and time again, someone that your friends know and will continue to socialize with, make it easy on everyone including yourself. Be a grown up, have some maturity, suck it up if you have to, and really try. It will make everyone and every event more comfortable. You will look polished and mature, and easy going. You will be assured inclusion in any group events, even those reserved for couples. Then, if it does turn out that this ex is someone you would really cherish as a friend, you've paved the way.

Well, though on the other hand or on another thought.. One need not really just move on even.. People can stay friends with their ex even if they still care, love or pray for the other person. Even if all they want is to see the other person happy and make the person feel secure or atleast be there to support him/her. Probably, because you can never see them in trouble.  All you need to do is, be strong, make yourself such that you don’t fall or melt in front of them making them feel you want them..

In my opinion, being friends with your ex is not wrong. Though the idea varies from person to person. But I on a personal level feel that being with them is good coz somewhere it also gives you the satisfaction of knowing they’re still good.. recalling all the lost moments makes us feel revived at times. And I believe that if you have spent a considerable amount of time with the other person, why keep hard feelings for them.. instead relish or cherish the moments you have spent together and keep a bond which is strong till the end.. lifes too short buddy, why keep hard feelings for anyone, even if its supposed to be someone who has hurt you..coz if the person has hurt you, I am sure they’ve also given you one of the best of the moments in your life.

So can you be friends with an ex? well, your answer can make your life more miserable than you can ever imagine or even make you feel relieved from worries of the other person if you still have some feelings for the other person.